Monday, February 6, 2012

Garbage and Pasta

So was feeling particularly needy today and decided to go to the re-use. Its that run-down shed off to the side of the garbage transfer station where people discard yesterday's treasures.

Slowly I pulled up and left the engine running, the door slightly ajar. They say not to idle because it creates pollution, but you never know when you might need to make a speedy escape.

Hopping up on the landing, I saw all manner of nothing! Some VHS tapes, a few stuffed animals, a decrepit coffee table. What bother! To think I made this trip to find no trinkets!

Glaring about, something caught my eye. A flash. Stepping towards it, I fell. Sinking endlessly through a green murky fluid I could do naught but ask myself where I may end up, if I survived this. Thud. I was on the ground, dry. A tad dazed, I strained to see in this new dark world. Peppers dangled from plants to my left, to my right, a field of spaghetti. A pink chihuahua meowed in front of me and disappeared with a bang.

I winced, the explosion was shocking.

Cautiously once more, I looked around. Nothing here but a coffee table, a few movies and some old snuggle toys.

I ran back to my car and got out of there, upset, and hungry for spaghetti.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, when you got home your speech was slurred and the left side of your face was sagging. Should we hit up the ER?
